
What is Scenequeen?


See: scene

Scenequeens are people often looked up to by the millions of scene kids around the world.

Their popularity can often be attributed to myspace. Many scenequeens have hundreds of thousands of friends, and get several hundred comments on each new picture they post.

Some signs or symptoms of a scenequeen, or a scenequeen wannabe, include a list of "fakes" who have stolen their look, millions of pictures (often done in very minimal clothing), designer logos, thousands of friends, obscure electronica profile songs, and pictures of cartoon characters.

1: "Yeah, she totally stole her look from a scenequeen."

Some scenequeens include Jeffree Star, Jac Vanek, HannaBeth, Koti Rose, Kiki Kannibal, etc.

See scene, scene queen, scenester, wanna-be, myspace


A nice way of calling someone a groupie.

Twig is a wannabe scenequeen

See twig, scenequeen, groupie, slut, whore, glamxcore, wannabe, dominika


pompous jerks who are entirely unoriginal, wear black and call music "their scene"

"i'm sick of this scenequeen and all of his 'x' tattoos"

"stupid scenequeen"


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