
What is Scenetails?


The pointless pigtail-like hairdo scene girls with short inverted haircuts sometimes sport. The only way it's like regular pigtails is because it consists of two ponytails. Instead of being on either side of the head they are located at the bottom of the back of the head a couple inches apart.

l: dammit,i need a haircut again

d: why?

l: lol idk

l: ehhh i dunno

l: i might grow it out some

l: i always say that htough

l: then i chop it all off

d: hahah

d: as long as you can have pigtails I won't mind ;] hahah

l: hahaa i can only have scenetails

d: those're still acceptable.

See scene tails, scene, pigtails, pointless, scene girls, scene girl


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