
What is Scenewhore?


FOR A GIRL: a scene chick with all the scene traits, big trendy hair, fashionable clothes, peircings...ect. BUT adds a trashy whorey twist to the whole fashion.

For example: wears cheeta print that dosen't look SCENE but white trashy and cheap instead. Also wears those short short short short athletic shorts that seem to be popular with the "scene" girls even though their legs are TOO freakin fat. Their make-up is not artistically done (like the real scene chicks)but instead pilled on to make them look like little prostitutes. They also wear revealing tank tops. These girls are usually between the ages of 12-14. they are 99.9% of the time posers.

FOR THE BOY: a scene guy who thinks he's the sex and the hottest freakin dude on planet earth. Makes youtube videos of himself eating icecream in a sexual manor while having jeffree star play in the background. chooses to be bi just so he can have more sexual partners. is 99.9% of the time horny and full of himself.

p1: oh!! look at that scene girl in the mosh pit!!!! she is so sexy!

p2: is that eyeliner or her actual eyes...??? i can't tell. ohhh! look jeffree star!!! hes my bitch, bby!!!

p1: psh, stop being a scenewhore.

p2: oh yeah!!! well that girl you were checking out was even more of a scenewhore. hello...its called a BRA =o.

See scene girl, scenexcore, hxc, scemo, scenequeen, scene


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