
What is Scenexprepxkid?


A SCENExPREPxKID is someone who is more into the preppy clothes and who shops at hollister and abercrombie and fitch.

these kids also have the scene hair and hangs out with scene kids but never with preps. due to lack of the preps liking them. instead of going out to concerts, these kids mostly hang out at the mall 24/7 to shop or just to be seen by other people. the problem with the kids are that they are sometimes called posers because they wear preppy clothes, but they don't care.

mikey monster:"dude, look at that SCENExPREPxKID, she always shops at Hollister.

anthony agony:"yea bro, i see that

See hollister, scene, mall, music, kids


A SCENExPREPxKID is someone who is more into the preppy clothes and who shops at hollister and abercrombie and fitch.

these kids also have the scene hair and hangs out with scene kids but never with preps. due to lack of the preps liking them. instead of going out to concerts, these kids mostly hang out at the mall 24/7 to shop or just to be seen by other people. the problem with the kids are that they are sometimes called posers because they wear preppy clothes, but they don't care.

mikey:"OMG you see dat SCENExPREPxKID she has the best style clothing and hair.

JO-Killa:"Yea, she ok lookin"

See scene kid, perp, hollister, scene hair, mall


A scene kid who dresses in "prep type" clothing.

mostly these kids came from being preps, but didn't want to change the clothes they wear. these kids mostly wear skinny jeans with holes in them and hollister or abercrombiekids clothing because abercrombiekids clothing is cheaper than Abercrombie and Fitch.

"OMG look at dat SCENExPREPxKID, she always wears Hollister"

See scene kids, preps, hollister, anf


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