
What is Scenmo?


Cross between Emo and Scene. It is very difficult to complete the Scenmo look but when achieved it is quite good. Fashion includes:

-Bleached Blond Hair

-Black Eyeliner

-Red Nails

-Red,Blue,Black or White Hair Clips


-Black or White Skinnies

-1 Strecher, Red Earring

-Myspace profile

Scenmo Fashion includes:

-Bleached Blond Hair

-Black Eyeliner

-Red Nails

-Red,Blue,Black or White Hair Clips


-Black or White Skinnies

-1 Strecher, Red Earring

-Myspace profile

See scene, emo, scenmo, eyeliner, converse, myspace


the same as emo really but more scene and not deprest and we dont slit are wrist as much

emo + scene = scenmo

See emo, scene, scenmo, emo kid, scenekid


scenmo is basicly emo but not as depres or dus not slit ther wrist as often but the same styles

scenmo scenmo scenmo

See emo, scenmo, emo kid


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