
What is Schedule?


Urban slang for a controlled substance regulated under the Controlled Substance Act. The substances are listed in a series of "schedules" numbered I through V, depending on when it was first subjected to federal regulation. These substances can be found at 21 C.F.R. § 1308 et seq.

"The five-oh came a'runnin' to pick up dem hoppers slangin' on the corners, but dey stopped me, and I had'a'had a little schedule in my pocket I forgot about."

See drugs, narcotics, dope, slinging, mcnulty


Being forced to do something you don't really want to do or having unwanted obligations. Usually refers to a controlling girlfriend.

Nicole wants me to go with her to see some chick flick on Saturday night. It's all one big schedule with her.

See stress, drain, whipped


A word often effiminitely mispronounced by elitists or pseudo-elitists, often faking, or using a real, British accent. The pronunciation of this word is: 'sKedyool' as opposed to the artsy and stupid: 'sHedyool.'

Proof of this finding is two fold. Firstly there is NO other commonly used, non-generic, English word which starts with 'sch' pronounced with the 'sh' sound. Secondly, any 'sh' word in the English language starts with those same two letters: 'sh' - for those reading this who pronounce 'schedule' 'sKedyool' I had to repeat the obvious!

'sh' words pronounced with the 'sh' sound:

shoe, shot, shit, should, sheik, shook, shoot, shew, shrew, shrewed, shell, she, shore, shone, shop, shall, sheep, sheen +++

Examples of 'sch' words pronounced with the 'sh' sound: ?

Examples of 'sch' words pronounced with the 'sk' sound:

school, schizophrenic, scheme, schematic, scholar, scholastic, schedule +++

Indeed there are words with the 'sh' sound which start with 'sch' but are derivitives or generic words from another language. Examples are: schnapps (Dutch), Schneider (German name), schnitzel (European cut of meat.)

In closing - to best exemplify this - try using the word 'schizophrenic' in a sentence using the 'sh' sound.

Max: *with a thick English accent* "I heard that Arthur's son does not attend Eton because he is a 'shitsophrenic.'

Scott: "Indeed he does not attend Eton; but not because he is a 'skitsophrenic' but because he doesn't want to be around assholes like you who pronounce 'skedyool' 'shedyool!"

See sh, shit, schedule, error, eton, idiot


Jeff Foxworthy redneck word for scared you

If you ever saw a ghost that schedule so bad you'd shit in your pants

See Paul


word to describe an absolute moron, who hangs out with far too many VB's.

Lewd, crude and indelicate.

You are such a schedule

See schedule


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