What is Schmitt's Beer Gesture?


The act of performing a waving hand that rises from hip to head level after something awesome happens or is mentioned. It may also be spurned by the airing of "Beautiful Girls" by Van Halen. The Gesture may also be accompanied by a verbal "OOOoooh!" The aforementioned Gesture is originally seen being used in the Schmitt's Gay Beer commercial on Saturday Night Live by Adam Sander and Chris Farley.

1) Overheard: "Van Halen, Poison, Def Leppard, and Journeyare coming to town this year" Instantly followed by one or more Schmitt's Beer Gestures.

2) "Beautiful Girls" by Van Halen comes on the radio. Immediately followed by "OOOoooh!" and the trademark Gesture.

See beer, saturday night live, van halen


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