School Dance

What is School Dance?


Stupid Room filled with shitty music , people you hate , girls trying to look like whores and sweat.

the school dance blows


A non-drinking non-smoking dance that people who never get any action go to. People think there hardcore when they "grind" but really arent. At our school (dss) its overpacked with wimpy techno playing. Girls dress up like sluts and guys think theyre pimps. Its a overall bad experience I just call up my gf and have some fun with her.

Guy: Aw man i grinded with this hot babe at the school dance!

Me: Think ur pretty hardcore then do you? So I take it thats the farthest uve been with a girl then.

Guy: (sighs) yup.

Me: Dude next time go to a party and get drunk be a normal teen.

Guy: Yeah alright.

See school, drunk, grinding


a place to grindwith your class mates.

girl - omg im so excited for the school dance tonight. im going to dress so sluty & grind on guys.

See dance, grind, humping, horny


Like any Dance, this is a time where it is acceptable for 13 year olds girls to dress as whores, and for boys to get away with sexual harassment. The only difference with a School Dance is, Your perverted teachers get to watch you "pop lock and drop it"

Girl #1 : Did you go to the School Dance on friday?

Girl #2 : Yah, Brad had his hands right up my skirt!

See school, dance, young, perverted, teachers


An excuse for teenagers to get together, while taking drugs and alcohol, and sexually frustrate each other.

See Clusterfuck

If someone at school isn't in rough shape the day after the school dance, then they obviously werent at the school dance.

See dance, school, highschool, high school, cluster fuck, orgy


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