School Of Rock

What is School Of Rock?


A hella good movie with Jack Black in it.I recommend this kick-ass movie for kids who have music asperations, specially Rock.

"The man invented something called MTV."


The best movie ever. A movie that teaches the watchers about the real kind of rock, Classic. It will keep you laughing through out it.

Everyone needs to see school of rock, Right now.

"One great rock show can change the world"

"And in the words of ACDC, we roll tonight. Till the guitar bites. And for those about to rock, I salute you."

"Then the magic man he come to town, woo wee, he gone and spun my head around. He said recess is in session. 2 and 2 make 5. And now baby well im alive"


A nationwide school to educate kids in rock, Founded by Paul Green & featured in the Documentary "ROCK SCHOOL". The school got some other great press when Jack Black and Group made a Comedy film about them.

Did you see Rock School...No I attend It


Really good movie about a guitar player who gets kicked out of his band and gets a job as a substetute teacher to make some money. He makes a band out of the class and sends them to battle of The Bands.

Well your not hardcore, no your not hardcore, unless you live hardcore, but the legend, of the rent was way hardcore!

See Triumph the Insult Comic Dog


Real funny movie starring Jack Black.

(this is Trav but i found out someone else uses the name Trav so i use TravTH now)

I saw School of Rock yesterday.


Brilliant movie featuring Jack Black of Tenacious D, who, as Dewey Finn, gets thrown out of his own band. Searching for an answer to help him pay his rent, he impersonates Mr. S, his flatmate, and becomes a Temp. teacher.

Whilst teaching the hilariously characterised children, he learns that winning isn't everything. A must see for any rock music fan, or for anybody wanting a few laughs.

Also has an amazing soundtrack.

1. "I saw School of Rock the other day."

2. "I wish I could go to the School of Rock!"

3. "The School of Rock rocks!"


the best fucin movie EVR! u better like it :! o ya i gatta give freddy his props HOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

see ya on th flip flop l8r!!!!!!

when god made kevin he was jus showin off when god made me... he was jus OFF!

See bobbi


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