
What is Schralp?


v.,n.,adj.(sh'ralp) To aggressively negotitate terrain using any manner of vehicle. schralped, schralper, schralping, schralpingest

1. Did you see Hermann Maier schralp that gnarline down the super g course?

2. The Hermannator was schralping before he flipped out going 4 billion.

See shred, kill, destroy, annihilate, skate


The word for the sound and act of hauling ass over pool coping on a skateboard. It's not grinding on top of the coping in a 50-50, but slashing through the side of it.

Adrian Mallory was schralping the shit out of the Kona bowl.

See bowl, pool, skateboarding, skate, hesh, gnar, gnarly, pabst, fun, music, happiness, freedom


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