
What is Schu-bunny?


A sandy vagina. Literally.

Woman1: It sucks. I had sex on the beach last night.

Woman2: You get a Schu-Bunny?

Woman1: Yes. =(

See Joe



Some people can have quite a Schu-Bunny fetish with the eyes.

See rofl


Bitchy yet beautiful.Easily forgotten by others and has too many people looking at her boobs.

Guy: 0_0

SchuBunny: What are you looking at...?

Guy: XD~~~~~~~~ (_)(_)


A synonym for the word "Penis".

After a long night of porno, the teenage boy went off to stroke his Schu-Bunny.

See Cecil


High sexual innuendo.

Girl: What's up with all the Schu-Bunny?

Guy: Is that a bad thing?


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