
What is Schulered?


When you take a dump in a bathroom that does not belong to you and you neglect to flush, leaving the evidence for someone else to view upon entering the next day/week/etc. Also known as a dump-and-run, random shitting, mystery shitter syndrome (MSS).

After a night of drinking and partying:

Rod: Guys, I really need to shit. Do you mind if I use your shitter?

Ric: No problem.

The next day upon entry into the bathroom:

Ric: Holy Shit, I've been totally Schulered by Rod. What an ass!

See shit, poop, crap, bathroom, poo, turd, dump, piss, crapper, feces, shitter, ass, loo, diarrhea, flush, john, pee, bog, restroom, paper, urine, sex, fart, urinate, bum, upper decker, blumpkin, head, vomit, anal, butt, defecate


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