
What is Schumacher?


To drive fast, usually through winding streets, and take corners hard. Refers to multiple Fomula 1 Championship winner Michael Shumacher.

Greg: I can't believe how fast you were going Jimmy. That was total Schumacher.


A term given to someone when they're so annoyingly good at something, it takes all the fun out of it for everyone else.

Jimmy - "Do you fancy a game of footy down the park?"

Ted - "Yeah, that would be ace, shall I give Bob a call and see if he wants to come?"

Jimmy - "Nah, that Bobs a fucking Schumacher, he'll ruin it for everyone!!"

See insult, jibe, derogatory, offensive



One who usually drives at excessive speed. The term originated from the last name of Formula 1 driver Michael Schumacher who is known for going VERY fast.

"Ever since Sparks got his car, he's been a complete schumacher."


A derogatory insult, usually saved for an occasion that calls for extremely colourful language. Taken from the Hollywood Director Joel, a Schumacher is an often annoying, blatently homosexual individual whose penchant for all things colourful and rubber, single handedly killed one of the most grippingly dark action franchises of the 90's

"Your such a fuckin' Schumacher!"


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