
What is Schveet?


Altered verios of the word 'sweet' in a German accent.

"Oh, that is so schveet!"


quoted from Amanda Bynes in She's the Man. Basically means really really incredibly amazing or cool

You just got front row tickets to the concert that has been sold out for the past three months? SCHVEET!!!

See sweet, cool, awesome, tubular, amazing, bummer, lame, sol


sweeter than sweet, like extra sweet, only cool people can say it though. it is usually used in a really deep voice like a russian model.

man that is so freaking schveet. *said in a deep man voice with a german accent*

See sweetness


Sweeter than sweet, like extra sweet. You use it when something is really cool or super exciting, not the taste 'sweet'. It is best when used in a really deep voice like a russian model.

Mom: There is no school today.

Teenager: SCHVEET!!! *said in a deep man voice with a german accent*

See cool, awesome, swell


Great, Sexy, or phitt.

Your new shirt from juciy is schveet.

See sexy, great, phitt, beautiful, Stirl


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