
What is Schwanking?


Wanking after taking a shit and due to arousal caused by the defecation.

Kasper: Dude, have you ever tried schwanking?

Me: What?

Kasper: Yeah, have you ever wanked after taking a shit? Its like so convenient cuz you've already got a hard on and your in the bathroom.

Me: Your turned on by shitting? Whats wrong with you!?

See schwanking, schlong, schwank, shit, schwanker


The act of dropping a log whilst beating your penis

Hey Greg, i was schwanking last night!

Really loz?

Yeah i was pooing and masturbating all night long

See shit, wank, poo, tosh, crap


To take a shit and wank off at the same time! Schwanking!

Bored at work and you have a spare 10 mins, what do you do? Schwanking in the toilets is what you do!

See shit, wank, schwank, rack, toss


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