
What is Schwartz?


The Schwartz is the greater magic, a power that ties all living things. It originated in the Mel Brooks movie Spaceballs, a Star Wars/Star Trek spoof film. It is a direct replica of The Force, only with the name changed for copyright reasons. The keeper of The Schwartz is a short man living on a desert planet named Yogurt. The Schwartz swords are mearly generated in the position for comedic purposes and are not "penis powered".

HELMET: Yogurt. Yogurt. I hate Yogurt. Even with strawberries.

SANDURZ: I'll call the attack squad, sir.

HELMET: No, we can't go in there. Yogurt has the Schwartz. It's far too powerful.

SANDURZ: But, sir, your ring. Don't you have the Schwartz, too?

HELMET: No, he got the up-side. I got the down-side. You see, there's two kinds of every Schwartz.

LONE STARR: But you're the one...

YOGURT: Yes. I am the keeper of a greater magic. A power known throughout the universe, known as...

BARF: The force?

YOGURT: No. The Schwartz.

See the force, force, spaceballs, star wars


A man who appears to be twice his actual age, and spends his time fenagelling free food and getting ahead on work. Will often appear bored or frustrated with conversation with colleagues of equal/lesser intelligence although these scenarios are his only human interaction and are what keeps him going.

That guy working at the laundro-mat thinks he is so smart, he was acting like a total Schwartz.

See nerd, jerk, cheap, bald, ugly


A term of endearment to a friend; comradary.

Calling a friend schwartz. Example, answering the phone, "Hello, schwartz, what?"


a noun describing a person with an unhealthy obsession/ fetish with stuffed otters, coupled with crippling low confidence and neurotic Jewish behavior.

Roommate#1: "Why didn't he just talk to Mere Bear at the party?"

Roommate#2: "Who the hell knows. He's such a Schwartz sometimes..."

See woody allen, meredith, buckeyes


A penis-powered version of the famed nerd's-holy-grail, the light saber. Yes this penis-powered light saber was used in the film Space Balls. (title has nothing to do with penises, or so I think)

"Ah ha! I see your schwartz is as long as mine!"

See Merchant


Means "black" in german. used by american jews as a derrogatory word for black people. Pronounced "Shvaahts". ... kinda...

"Why would she marry him!? I mean he's a Schwartz!" - old jewish lady from the show "Soap".

"look it's Arnold Schwartz-nigger!" - said the jew when seeing a huge strong black dude.

See schwartz, black, nigger, german, yiddish


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