
What is Schweff?


A Muff Diver.

ie, someone who spends 80% of his life trying to get action, even off minging fat girls, whilst completely neglecting his friends.

Teacher: "Where's paddy?"

Boy: "He's over at margarets"

Teacher. "f*cking SCHWEFF!"

See muff diver, schwef, shwef, baxter, diver


Guy who befriends attractive females he fancies but doesn't have the balls to ask them out.

Content to merely hang around them all the time. A sort of straight gal pal. His schweffing often alienates him from his male counterparts.

'Man, Is Paddy sitting beside Laura again today?'

'Yeah, That guy is such a schweff!'

See girls, friends, relationships, camp, annoying


Someone who always flirts with the girls, a proper schweff never gets any action though

BOY ONE "goldwait is the true king schweff of the school"

BOY TWO "yeah but sarge is a proper schweff, never gets any action"

See schweff, schwef, schweef, fitty, sarge, boys, dogs, school, day, and, night, one, tree, hill, laptop, car, bang, pow


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