
What is Schwenk?


(n., v., adj.) The universal word for everything.

(n.) Wow, that schwenk is so cool!

(v.) Stop schwenking around!

(adj.) That movie was schwenking awesome!

(all) Get the schwenk off you schwenking schwenk-tard!

See schwenk, awesome, everything


A young German gal who enjoys a nice set of bangs, and dimps to match. In her spare time, she enjoys long horse rides on the beach, while smoking several ciggarettes simultaniously. She is also a recovering alcoholic.

Wow, Schwenk was looking mad adorble with her bangs today. Her dimps looked delicious today.

See mole, people, bangs, amanda


A man with a full head of hair except for his crown which is very very bald

my my he has nice hair from a distance but as you approach you can see he is actually a schwenk

See schwenk, bald, stupid, cunt, twat, bastard


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