
What is Schwenksville?


Town located next to Limerick, is located in PA. Known by locals for Moccia's and Ortino's, has two elementary schools, and an old folks home, Town consists of so old stores, a gas station, post office, library, A handfull of churches, Fire Company, baseball fields, cemetarys, golf courses, convenince store,doctors office, barbershop, and a new tattoo palor. Also the location of Spring-Mountain.

Hey, lets go to Schwenksville, to eat at Moccia's then we can head to Spring Mountain.

See schwenk, boring, hick, woods


lil town in Bucks county Pennsylvania. home of the mainstreet market, Otts greenhouse, the Perkiomen trail, and the maple hood.

I grew up in the maple hood section of schwenksville

See maple, schwenksville, bucks, otts


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