Science Class

What is Science Class?


A drug lab.

The science class was raided and 10 kilos of crack was confiscated.


somewhere where no one does what they are supposed to do. A place to run around, listen to music, bother the teacher, mess with ppl, burn things, pretty much doing anything that isn't productive.

your like my science class.


This is the place where absolutely no one does anything at all, even things you aren't supposed to do because you are on the verge of falling asleep...or dying!

Marie: Hey damien, are you having fun in science class today?

Damien: zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Marie: I was talking to you!

Damien: zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Marie: talk to me you asshole!

Damien: zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Teacher: what's going on here?

Marie & Damien: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

See bio, science, school, lab


Wasting time learning nothing.

I typed this in science class.


One of the best patrs of the school day...

I get A's in science class


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