
What is Sci-fi?


A term used to describe the genre of Science Fiction within books, films, comics, games and television shows.

Sci-Fi shortened form of Science Fiction.

Star Wars, Star Trek, Dr Who, Battlestar Galatica, Babylon 5 etc.


Noun: The nickname given to followers of Scientology (Scientologists). Often used in the City of Clearwater, Florida, which is the "spiritual headquarters" of Scientology. Considered to be insultive by Sci-Fis themselves.

1. A bunch of Sci-Fis just moved in next door...they're taking over the neighborhood.

2. Traffic on Ft. Harrison wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the hundreds of Sci-Fis trying to cross the street.

See sci fi, scientologist, scientology, tom cruise, weird, religion


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