
What is Scone?


In Scotland, a much-savoured, pale, DOUGHY endowment, kept warm and safely hidden by a lady's SPORRAN.

Traditional, private BAKERY PRODUCT, placed on public view when an errant Englishwoman misguidedly chooses to shave the BEARDED BAPS in her PANTRY area.

"Whatever are you doing, James?" the COUNTESS OF SCONE enquired of her butler, as the elderly retainer attempted to slide a large warming-pan under her kilt.

"Merely heating-up his lordship's supper, ma'am," the ancient servant responded. "The master is due back frae the grouse-moor any minute noo and he'll be hungry for a wee bit HOUGHMAGANDIE, if ah'm no' mistaken."

"Oh, of course, I do see now!" exclaimed her ladyship. "Thank you so much for reminding me, James. Yes, indeed, the poor chap's not had a helping of HAIR PIE since this morning's early encounter with the house-maid."

Now fully cognisant of the situation, the Countess rapidly removed all her garments and posed seductively in front of the blazing fireplace.

"Pour the GLEN SPORRAN, James!" she commanded. "We must welcome the manly hunter home from the hill, with all due cordiality."

See scottish, traditional, warm, Persson


1. A small cake originating in Scotland

2. Derived from the Scottish Gaelic word "Sgonn" meaning a "block" or more precisely "Sgonn arain" meaning a block of bread. Due to this, the correct pronunciation is "Skon". The earliest record of a scone dates back to the early 16th century in Scotland.

3. Commonly served with clotted cream, strawberry jam and a cup of tea. More commonly known as a "cream tea".

4. There are derivatives of the word "scone" in Scots language where the word is also pronounced "skon".

5. Can also be known as a biscuit in American English.

Scones are delicious.

See scone, biscuit, bread, cake, pastry


A type of cake. Should be pronounced "scone" to rhyme with "gone" not "scone" to rhyme with "cone" unless you are an upper-class nancy boy.

Time for some lovely tea and scones. Tip-top!

See Murph


to ash out violently or kill, with the intent to damage. often used in smoking cigars, whereby putting them out on "the scone"

Dan: I brought that cigar back from the grave


Steve: yeah, not many cigars get to be sconed twice

See scone, snuff, ash, kill, cigar


Taking the bottom corner, of a sandwich bag or zip lock bag, and putting powder or crystal like substances in it and then tearing it off and sealing it with a lighter. It will resemble a cone. Its a cross between a cone and usually meth, For its other slang for shit.

Here, take this scone and enjoy.

See crystal, drugs, dealer, provider, high


An older woman who you would like to fuck, aka MILF. The hot mother of a biscuit.

I'd like to eat that scone's biscuit!

If that scone was a biscuit, I'd spread my butter all over her backside.


1. Small baked buttery cake.

2. To hit someone in the head.

3. One's head.

1. "Mmmm that's a tasty scone, mum!"

2. Thomson decided he was going to scone Larry Gomes with the next delivery.

3. The cricket ball hit Larry Gomes right in the scone.


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