
What is Scope?


To check out.

Ay, SCOPE this out...that ain't his girl he makin out wit.


A Scope is a term used to describe a person who was once referred to as a spastic.

In 1994 the UK charity organisation "The Spastics Society" changed it's name to "Scope", due to too many people labelling the window lickers with this harsh insult.

Therefore it is now only fair that any spastics are now called scopes.

"You fucking scope, stop licking that window"

See scope, spastic, mongs, disabled, window lickers


A word said after you throw and hit somebody usually in the head with any inanimate object.

*throws pencil at brothers head* "SCOPE!"

See scope, popped, skoped


A word said after you throw and hit somebody usually in the head with any inanimate object.

*throws pencil at brothers head* "SCOPE!"

See scope, popped, skoped


To look, to see, to perve

Scope out the chicks on the corner.

Man, I'm scopin for cops.

See look, see, perve


a green liquid, commonly found in most household bathrooms, and used mainly to freshen your breath/kill bacteria....or the get scope drunk.

Ty drank some of that scope last night

See scope, scope drunk, duncan, hagg, listerine



(n) Your mind's eye.

(v) To look sharply at someone or something.

(n) My scope is so precise I can see your skin cells replicating.

(v) You caught me scoping your woman, now you can't contain your hate.

See true, actual, fact, real


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