
What is Scotts?


Scotts was one of the oldest established shipyards in the world it was situated in Greenockon the banks of the river Clyde, Later Merged With Rival Yard 'Lithgows' in Port Glasgow, now sadly gone, all that remains is the worlds oldest Drydock(unused)

My Father Worked in Scotts

See clydebuilt, greenock


a nickname for the name "Scott". It is derived from the fact that in almost every public school, there are "Scott's" brand toilet paper and paper-towel dispensers.

Person: Yo Scotts!

Scott: Hey! That's my nickname!

See scott, nickname, toilet paper, paper, awesome


Scott’s was one of the oldest established shipyards in the world it was situated in Greenockon the banks of the river Clyde, Later Merged With Rival Yard 'Lithgow’s' in Port Glasgow, now sadly gone, all that remains is the worlds oldest Dry dock(unused)

My Father Worked in Scotts for years

See scotts, clyde


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