
What is Scouts?


the biggest group in the world.

The best place to have fun

Meet lots of good people

Adam.W sqeezes ur ass

"wow scouts is boss"

"hey that Adam.w squoze my ass"

"you just got glazed like a doughnut, then donkey punched!!! HaHaHa!!"

See scouts, boss, ass, donkey punch, doughnut


A word that is used to prove you are not lying, you cannot lie "on" scouts.

bruv, i got differently licked last night and barebacked an absolute horror show, she was on tho so i blooded her and then she puped smelly smelly one time bruv then she was wilin out so i licked that bitch scouts bruv

See scouts, spoons, sprouts, bruv


Characters of the Naruto anime series.

Naruto characters aren't ninjas, they're actaully scouts.

See scout, naruto, anime, scouts, nerd


The tiny but very potent farts released in the minutes prior to actually pooping

Like a general sending recon units to survey the battlefield ahead, so too does the mighty poop send its airborn scouts forward to clear the way.

See farts, warning shots, flares, sneakers, pennyloafer


A bunch of children dressed like stupid people, led by stupid people dressed like children.

scouts are kids dressed like mentally impaired people. there leaders are, mentally impaired people dressed like kids.

"woah, whats that beeping noise," "i think it's YA MOM."

See scout, children, stupid


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