
What is Scrapbook?


a compillation of photos and or memorobelia. scrapbooks are crafty, fun, and entertaining!

I am making a scrapbook so that i can remember fun things that i did.

See memories, crafty, stickers, art


a sexual maneuver where the man ejaculates onto the female and then used the ejaculate as an adhesive to attach pictures of more attractive looking females onto the body of the female engaged in intercourse. the pictures will then provide the male with the stimulus required to continue intercourse for many hours.

that chick was kind of an uggo but i scrapbooked her so i was able to keep going anyway.

See sex, ugly, ejaculate, adhesive


A book with lots of crap to remember stuff and what not.

That scrapbook brought back a lot of memories!

See scrapbook, useless, crap, memories


Similar/based off of a gorilla mask, to rape a girl for any reason (most likely because the man hates her) while the female is sleeping or on GHB, whilst taking photos of it with a Polaroid camera- prior to ejaculating, the man cums on her face and gently sticks on the Polaroid photos on her face, the cum acting as glue. In the morning, the woman should look in the mirror and see these photos sticking to her face, giving her the awe of a scrapbook/seeing her face was made into a scrapbook.

That whore cindy that divorced me was passed out drunk. So for a little payback from the share she took from me, I took all of her dignity by giving her a scrapbook.

See scrapbook, gorilla mask, cool, sex, rape


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