
What is Scrate?


A short form of the term "That's Great" which is normally used to sarcastically disagree to a statement in which is considered disturbing or relatively random. The term morphed from 'That's Great' to 'T's Great' to ' s great' and eventually evolved in the 'scrate' we know and love to use today. 'scrate' is also a clan based in counter strikesource, although it was quickly disbanded due to the unpopulatiry of the word at that time.

The term was first established in a humble maths class in Bangkok Patana School. An annoying collegue would randomly shout distubing things so often, the term 'That's Great' was shortened due to laziness of the person who says it. The term is now also used to address one another if they see the person in a rather odd place or to simply laugh out of an awkward situation.


Person is in toilet and friend walks out of cubicle. The person was not aware he was in the toilet. The person would say "scrate".

With Dialogue:

"dude you know that albert Einsteinwas a man!!?!?!"


See scrate, that's great, maths, annoying, disturbing, random


Something that is great or straight... or both.

I just got a scrate flush.

Those rims are scrate.


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