
What is Scrawl?


Messy or illegible handwriting, usually a signature or a small piece of graffiti. Doctors and other health workers are masters of the scrawl.

"Call that a signature, it's just one big scrawl!"


v. to write in a hasty or illegible fashion

n. incoherent or illegible writing

(New Slang) v. A method of discursive association in which learning occurs tangentially. Akin to surfing, but with purpose or in pursuit of understanding rather than distraction; seeking the coincidence instead of the novel.

(N.S.) n. An idea defined by cross-reference. More raft, less surfboard.

(N.S.) n. A documented scrawling session. Learning by adventure.

syn.: chicken-scratch, scribble, surf, search, google, multi-channeled learning

rel.: sourcing, hyper-referencing, richtexting

"I was talking to this girl Marie, but then I just scrawled off, and she thought I was crazy."

"Yeah, in order to scrawl, you just sort of have to let go and trust yourself."

"I wasted a lot of time scrawling on the internet a few weeks back, but recently I was talking to someone and the things I'd found took the conversation to the next level."


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