Screaming Gorilla

What is Screaming Gorilla?


The act of a male shaving his pubic hair, holding the shaved hairs in his hand, and then proceeding to have intercourse from behind with a female. When the male is near climax, he flips the female over on her back and ejaculates all over her chest. He then throws his shaved hairs on her chest and hopes that they will stick while he gives a loud gorilla call and pounds his chest like King-Kong.

Kim's roomate was amazed at the amount of hair in the tub after Kim had showered until she found out Kim's boyfriend, Larry, had given her a screaming gorilla.

See chest hair, pubic hair, doggie style, ejaculate, climax


Similiar to the Abe Lincoln! The act of a male shaving his pubic hair, holding the shaved hairs in

his hand, and then proceeding to have intercourse from behind with a female.When the male is near climax, he flips the female over on her back and ejaculates all over her chest. He then throws his shaved hairs on her chest and hopes that they will stick while he gives a loud gorilla call and pounds

his chest like King-Kong.

Get her drunk as fuck grab the tin snips and the Screaming Gorilla shows its ugly head.

See abe lincoln, boston pancake, steamroller, glass bottom boat, shit storm


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