Screaming Meemies

What is Screaming Meemies?


1. Type of bomb, characterized by a loud, shrill screaming sound.

2. A type of firework, also characterized by a loud, shrill screaming sound.

3. A term used to convey how frightened you are. Commonly used in place of, or along with:

Heebie Jeebies

Booboo Jeebies

Quiver Shivers

Hoohaa Quivers

Shaky Shivers

and Scooby shivers (named for the shaking that the cartoon character Scooby Doo is prone to do when frightened)

Also, used in place of shorter terms, such as:



or shakes

"To get rid of the enemy, screaming meemies were used to destroy the area."

"The screaming meemies were so loud that they made my ears ring."

"This cave gives me the screaming meemies."


Attack of the nerves or an extreme state of manic disposition.

Hildred has had an attack of the screaming meemies. I think she needs to chill out and have a beer.

See jitters, heebie-jeebies, mania, edgy


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