What is Screaming Multiple Orgasm On The Beach?


n. A mixed drink. A mix of a Screaming Multiple Orgasm and a Sex On The Beach. If you put too much Peachtree Schnapps in, the drink is very bad.


1 1/2 oz Bailey's Irish Cream

1 1/2 oz Amaretto

1 oz Malibu rum

1/2 oz Triple sec

1 oz Midori melon liqueur

1 oz Peachtree schnapps

2 oz Club soda

Mixing instructions:

Fill glass 1/2 full with ice. Add all liquers and speed shake. Top with club soda.

You should have seen the reaction I got from the bartender when I asked for a Screaming Multiple Orgasm On The Beach.

See orgasm, screaming orgasm, sex on the beach


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