Screaming Viking

What is Screaming Viking?


an alcholic drink comprised of Half a pint of Cider and one measure of Drambuie on ice. Very popular amongst golfers.

'Make mine a screaming viking with extra ice please' this is a typical order in discerning golf clubs

See ice, cider


2 oz Vodka

1 oz Dry Vermouth

1 oz Lime Juice

Stir (not shaken as you will "bruise" the Vodka) with ice and then strain into a rock glass.. Lastly, garnish with a cucumber slice and a celery stalk.

Screaming Viking: A drink that is alcoholic.

See alcohol, screaming, viking, drinks, AOR


a drink that exists, ironically, because it didn't exist. On an episode of "Cheers," they stump a cocky bartender who says he can make any drink, by ordering a "Screaming Viking." Woody make it up though: 1 oz lime juice, 1 celery stalk, 1 cucumber spear. Stir with ice, strain, garnish.

Carla: One screaming viking coming up. Would you like the cucumber bruised?

See Frank Booth


1. A name given to a non-existent cocktail.

2. A fat girl having an orgasm.

"I think I'll have a screaming viking too!"


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