
What is Screen?


What you're looking at right now.


to screen a call is to look at the caller ID of an incoming call and decide whether or not to answer it.

to have your call screened is similar to being side buttoned

mary: hey your phone's ringing who is it?

sven: (looks at phone) oh my gawd it's my cokehead ex.

mary: eeww you don't want to talk to him. screen that shit.

sven: yeah no kidding. (presses ignore) scrrrrrreenin that!


what you`re spending way too much time looking at.

-Hey, wanna watch some porn on my new 19' screen?

-Yeah, Cool!


Screening is the act of deliberately ignoring a phone call, often for days on end.

See Also: side-buttoning

:While calling someone: This is the fifth time i've called Nick, and this is the 5th time his ass has screened me.

See hating, aaron


In weed terms, a screen is a metal or glass filter designed to let smoke through and keep ash out.

Use screens with a pipe or a bong.

See weed, bong, pipe, marijuana, smoke


To strategically but unfairly look at another persons section of the TV while playing a multiplayer video game.

Hey, all you do is screen.

See look, cheat, video games, screening


"Screen" means someone's face

"damn man, yr girl be havin' ass and tits than a muffuk, but damn, that *screen* is all 'hhhhhwhat!?!?!'"

See Ricky


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