
What is Screeze?


1. A combination of a sneeze and a scream. Or a very loud sneeze.

2. To sneeze so loudly in study hall that:

a. Your teachers will bitch at you for "screaming".


b. Your classmates will want to kill you because you're so annoying when you sneeze.


"What the hell was that?"

"It's a screeze man."

2. Shit man, if Bill does his gay little screeze again I will kick his ass.

See sneeze, scream, ass, bitch, shit


A forum for Forum Gamers.

Dude, did you check out my new post on Screeze?

See forum, games, gamers, fun, people


Variation of the word screen. Used to define the screen in many way.

If you wanna be on the screezee.


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