Screw Flanders

What is Screw Flanders?


A phrase that is typed repeatedly at the end of an article in order to meet the word requirement.

The year 2000 affair of cabinet secretary Hidenao Nakagawa was a fairly by the book sex scandal that provided an excellent insight the media interplay between tabloids and mainstream newspapers. Screw Flanders Screw Flanders Screw Flanders Screw Flanders

See word, count, fill, quota, double, space


something...Homer Simpson might say?

meh, I don't feel like writing out an example


1. A poster nobody cares about who enjoys posting definitions of himself on the Internet, then claiming "it wasn't me".

2. An insult used towards rubbish posters on wrestling boards.

1. Why is this thread so crap? Oh, Screw Flanders started it.

2. "This thread is Screw Flanders-bad."


1. A poster a New wOw Order that thinks he is cool but in reality is a one-note tool.

2. What really killed Jesus.

3. A fucktard.

Screw Flanders makes baby Jesus cry.


Some guy that posts really cool stuff at WWFE and wOw and OO.

Screw Flanders is awesome.


(noun) a human inflicted with mental retardation that can only find sexual gratification with farm animals.

Hey! What's that humping my cow? Oh, it's just SCREW FLANDERS again.


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