What is Screwed, Blued And Tattooed?


Unlike the imaginative explanations given, the definition goes way back to early machinists. After inspecting a finished manufactured or repaired part, the Toolmaker/machinist would

1 tighten all parts and screws (Screwed)

2 Use Blueing a blue paint lke stain that stuck easaly to metal (blued) and

3 Put his inspectors mark through the blue paint with a sharp scriber (tattooed)

The part has passed inspection, it's been screwed, blued and tattooed and ready for release from the machine shop.

See screwed, blowed


The process of becoming a full-fledged sailor -- have sex before going off to sea, get dressed in a navy uniform and then you get a tattoo.

I use it to describe my summer...Got laid, got drunk, got ink done.

This summer I got screwed, blued and tattooed.

See screwed, tattooed, drunk, party, partying, Tuna Box


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