
What is Screwy?


A word to describe something crappy, something that is bad, something that sucks

sorry for the static, my phone is screwy

See crappy, shitty, retarded, fucked up


Person who acts in a strange or crazy manner, who would often have social problems that may lead to social isolation. A person who does not act in accordance with what is considered normal, a weirdo.

John is a very screwy guy, he hardly ever leaves the house.

See weirdo, psycho, madman, strange, insane, loner


Screwy - such a loving person who somtimes has the tenmdancy to FLIP into a pchcotic world of unforgiving unglancing terrorism that we all no and lubb and that is the POWER of screwy, DA MOOODY GETT we call him but inside we all no he is DA HULK!!!!

Screwy think of a postamn and a lampost theres ya man


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