
What is Scrimmage?


Word used to describe a fight / brawl

Omdz guess what? I saw some BIG scrimmage today outside KFC...

Hey did you hear about the scrimmage that happened yesterday?

See fight, brawl, argument, clash


In a competitive game, when you play against another team for practice in an unranked match.

We just played a scrimmage against Gz last game; they kick some ass.

See scrimmage, halo, games, online


to have sex, fornicate, or fight, and various other uses depending on mood and timing.

Did you see Julia? That bitch is hot, I'd love to scrimmage with her!

See fuck, screw, horizontal mambo, bang, donnybrook


See scrim


To have sex with, play the skin flute, flog the dolphin, best three seconds of your life

"Man, Rachel looks insane tonight, I'd sure love to scrimmage with her!"

See fornicate, procreate, bang, hump, wa wa wee wa


when a girls panties are in a twist

Dont mind Betty. Shes just having a scrimmage.


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