What is Scrip?
Short for "prescription" - a note from a doctor to obtain controlled medicines (usually narcotics) from a pharmacist.
There's a doctor on the east side that will give a scrip for
oxy to anyjunkie who says he has a back ache.
Typically a middle to upper class white male who has no actual street knowledge and adopts an accent and dialect he has heard only in music videos and other music media and proceeds to act like a gangster.
Origin: Script and Crip
"Those aren't Crips... This is Ontario. Those guys are just scrips. If they listened to country music, it wouldn't make them cowboys."
Abbreviation of scripple(see scripple). Refers to a trick, deutch bag, faggot, or someone that just plain pisses you off.
Dude, quit talking to me, you're a fucking scrip ass trick....scrip.