Script Girl

What is Script Girl?


A blatant and shameless famewhore, who preys upon both horny internet dweebs, horny film nerds and horny guys with a knight in shining armor complex. Reads (badly) news regarding movies that will never get made written by people you've never heard of. Defended rabidly by the notoriously dubious AICN gang, home of several famewhores and knight complexes themselves. Setting back serious, intelligent women involved in Hollywood back many, many decades.

JackNanceRevenge: Okay, we need something that will make us famous, as our shitty movies sure ain't getting the job done.

John_T_Chance: I know! Let's get your girlfriend cum secretary to dress up in slutty outfits and read from Variety in a pretentious newscaster voice!

Script Girl: (as soon as someone richer or more powerful notices me I'm ditching these losers) Sounds great, guys! I'll let that fat loser who runs Ain't It Cool know we're coming!

See boobs, tits, whore, prostitute, tease, wannabe


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