
What is Scritch?


the actual meaning of scritch is:

(1) (noun) A deep soothing scratch on the back of the neck or between the ears.

(2) (verb) To pleasantly abrade the skin beneath another's fur; to perform an act

of benevolence usually as a reward for past aid.

(3) (noun) An instance or situation where skritching occurs; a furr who enjoys



Scribble + Itch> Totally unreadable handwriting as in- Doctors handwriting or a secret code that has no meaning except to bewilder and confuse.

" The following day I pulled out the crumpled napkin with her phone number - only to find out it was scritch"

See chicken, scratch, scribble, itch


To scratch an itch. (Verb)

"Sorry, I just had to scritch"

See scratch, rub, itch, skritch


to shit your pants so violently you almost have to brag about it and want everyone to know.

Dude, I just scritched my pants so bad!

See scritch, shit, pants, poop


(N.) an itchthat is not normally attended to in public.

(V.)scritching (not normally used)

"she went to scratch her scritch in the bathroom"

See amanda


When a man shits and doesn't wipe his ass clean enough, it leaves brown shit-stains in his white underwear. This is why men now wear non-white underwear to avoid visible scritch marks.

I was doing laundry this weekend and the scritch marks in my husband's underwear were so thick that I had to call him and ask if he shit his pants. I didn't know he was on speaker phone when I asked him.

See shit, stain, skidmark, underwear, brown stain


SCR = Scruffy

Itch = Bitch

Scruffy Bitch = Scritch

"Tell yo scritch she needs to stop shittin out her mouth and take a shower"


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