
What is Scroatleys?


To place ones penis in a girls mouth whilst simultaneously resting the testicles in her ocular sockets, one testicle on each eye, like a pair of sunglasses.

"She said she likes to do it with the lights off, so I put the scroatleys on her instead, she couldn't see a thing."

See blumpkin, oral, bj, blow, sack, scrotum


To place ones penis in a girls mouth whilst simultaneously resting the testicles in her ocular sockets, one testicle on each eye, like a pair of sunglasses.

"She said she likes to do it with the lights off, so I put the scroatleys on her instead, she couldn't see a thing."

See scrotum, tea bag, balls, junk, sack, bag


To place ones penis in a girls mouth whilst simultaneously resting the testicles in her ocular sockets, one testicle on each eye, like a pair of sunglasses.

"She said she likes to do it with the lights off, so I put the scroatleys on her instead, she couldn't see a thing."

See oakley, sunglasses, scrotum, bag, junk, testicle, sack, roman helmet, blow, bj


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