
What is Scrog?


An abbreviation for a cannabis growing technique known as Screen of Green. when ScroGing a plant is grow up from underneath a sheet of chickenwire or something similar and using LST (low-stress traing) to bend the growths back down under the wire producing an even canopy of buds.

"I got 2 ounces off my first ScroG!"

See Narcissus


v. to have wild and crazy sex

me: dude, I totally scrogged your mom!

him: really?

me: yeah

him: high five!!


Dirty. rancid, foul sex that falls beneath the level of fucking. Debasing sex that uses the other party.

After he scrogged her he rolled over and asked, "Are you still here?"


v. intr - To fuck vigourously.

From the greek for 'placing ones stalk into 1" holes' it has been widespread and frequently used among web heads.

Jim will scrog his hand all night, and all day. Jen is getting scrogged on a beach.


To have down and dirty sexual intercourse.

Man, Craig and I are so gonna scrog when he gets home!

I haven't scrogged in three days, my nerves are shot!

See scrogging, shagging, fucking, having sex, making love, humping, bumping uglies


have sex or make out

See kaylin


A word that could literally be used for anything, not just sexual acts.

Person 1:Hey, let's play some Black Jack

Person 2:Fine, scrog me

Person 1: the hell...are you scrogin' me boy?!?!? *pulls out six shooter and kills person 2*

Person 1: I'm gonna go scrogging today

Person 2: Could you pick me up some Chex Mix

Person 1: We were playing baseball and I scrogged a home run

Person 2: Baseball scrogs...

See scrog, anything, verb, use, adjective


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