
What is Scroggins?


An interjection used to express astonishment.

Scroggins that is awesome!!! -- equivalent to "Wow that is awesome!!!"

See scroggins, wow, blimey, geebs


A small hairy creature like something you would find in harry potter. its part squirrel and part spider. it makes a raspy hight pitched screeching noise that can get very annoying. its kind of a poof ball with 8 legs, claws, little squirrel ears. very small and can multiply quickly! the only way to kill them is to stomp on them but even that can prove difficult because of they are quick little buggers! by the way they have teeth and will bite!

can also be called a Scrogdor.

person one: Oh my gosh there is a scroggins on my head get it!!!

person two: I can't its to fast and i don't want it to bite me it could have rabies or something!

See annoying, curly, poof, spider, squirrel, evil, creature


Particularly thick seminal fluid.

"I got scroggins all over my bedsheets!"

"I scrogged all over my ceiling! Where's the goo-be-gone?"

See cum, sperm, semen, manmilk, juice


Sarah Scroggins was this fucking troll that lived in the woods near my russian village. She had this dumpy hat that was like a crumpled coffee bag or something and she used to eat my family's cats.

fuck, scroggins got in the cat pen again!!

See J


A form of necrophila. This perverted action involves two people and a female corpse. One person is postioned with their mouth near the vagina of the corpse waiting for the fluids produced by the second person jumping on the corpse's stomach. Legend has it, the name derives from its creator, Johnny Scroggins.

Some necrophiliacs sneak into morgues for a good ol' fashioned scroggins

See necrophilia, morgue, perverted


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