
What is Scrolls?


Created in 2003 - A compilation of words put together typically on a piece of paper. These words are arranged for maximum hilarity. This is achieved by discecting funny sounding words in the English langauge (and on the occasion, made up. E.X. Chise). Some scrolls may contain headers, or "themes", in which a piece of paper reflects an object of everyday life. Either that, or it makes no sense at all.

Theme: How to do scrolls

Snort the dorsil fin of Tiny Tim Mutombo. Swallow a large scoop of cream. Use my begotten container or swab my radish. My lavender stew presents problems for Gumbi.

See sandals, platypus, meck, fruits, medina


a cross between scrotum and balls

I'm too tired for an example, I've been awake all night guarding my scrolls from attack by the dreaded Wild Women of Wonga (yes, they're back - just when you thought that it was safe to renew your subscription to the "Readers Wives" limited edition of Readers Digest.


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