Scrotal Recall

What is Scrotal Recall?


An action film directed by Paul Furhaven, in which a large, imposing nutsack (Arnold Scrotumsagger) takes a 'vacation' from itself via an implanted memory. Trouble ensues when the big, hairy plum-pod can no longer distinguish between reality and illusion.

"Furhaven's violent, unwavering vision breathes much-needed fresh air into the stale Testicular Dystopia genre. Scrotal Recall is a triumph." -- Ballbag Film Comment, January 2008.

See ballbags, scrotum, nads, nutsack, scrotal, pods, plums, family jewels


The sudden recollection of long past memories due to testicular blunt force trauma.

I can't stop thinking about pet rocks... and my balls hurt. Scrotal recall!

See total recall, blunt, force, trauma


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