
What is Scrotch?


To scratch one's Crotch

Dude, you seem to be scrotching a lot, have you got crabs?

See Necro


The act of mightily punching a man's balls after he has said something you (a) don't agree with or (b) find offensive. Generally it is done with a fist, but numerous other things are acceptable (i.e. foot, knee, snowball, etc.) Generally only done to people you have known for a reasonable length of time.

Logan: Sara would totally hit that!

Sara: Would not! That brings your total up to 18.

Alex: What total?

Sara: Well, I've only known him for a month or two, so I can't scrotch him yet. But when I know him well enough, he's getting it.

Alex: That's what she said.

(A scrotch ensued shortly after this.)

See dick cheese, rape, amanda, black hole, drunken


scratching one's crotch

Alan enjoys having a good scrotch while watching TV

See scratch, itch, rub, grope, massage


A derogatory word derived from "Scrotum" and "Crotch", used to define an indefinable sex; usually associated with a hermaphrodite. This word can also be used when insulting another person.

Person 1: Is that a guy or a girl?

Person 2: It's a scrotch!

Person 3: Don't be such a scrotch.

See asshole, hermaphrodite, scrotum, crotch, dirty, Coopers


When you have an itchy crotch and you need to scratch it - you can scratch your crotch. Alternativlely you can have a good 'SCROTCH'

I need a good scrotch

See Jeff


~A personal problem relating to an un-releivable itch near your neather reigions.

~To scratch an itch that is near your neather regions

~MAN! I wish that I didn't have such a bad scrotch on my butt!

~Zach, stop scrotching yourself, its impolite.


The act of itching one's crotch.

"Dude, all your mom did was scrotch my balls, not play with them!"

See itch, scratch, ball scratching


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