Scrote Bag

What is Scrote Bag?


1. Slang word for the male scrotum.

2. Usually used when referring to a male individual who has poor hygiene, poorly educated, a bad attitude, low or no income or an illegal income. They have little if any contribution to the rest of man kind. See similar definitions of this under White Trash. The scrote bag usually believes they are always right no matter the subject or issue and its very hard to prove to them otherwise. The scrote bag usually has some sort of substance abuse problem and also has a hobby of beating and controlling women. They are usually looking for a handout and feel that everyone owes them something, and have a list of excuses why they are pieces of crap. They have issues with law enforcement and spend most of their life in and out of jails and prisons.

Well that scrote bag is out of jail again, I'm sure he'll be at his house soon beating his girlfriend he lives off of, eating food bought with food stamps and getting drunk with the money a charity gave him.

See dirt bag, scrote, white trash, skrote


Another word for Douche Bag.

1) Someone who makes a complete ass of themselves on a daily basis and never learns

2) Someone you wouldn't mind punching in the fuckin face

Tim: What the hell is Eric doing??

Gary: Dude, that guy is such a fuckin scrote bag

See douche bag, ass, dick, faggot, gay


A man's fanny pack. A small purse worn like a belt around or slightly below the waist.

"Don't forget to put your wallet in your scrote bag."

See fanny pack, man purse, murse, sack, wallet


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