
What is Scrumper?


An utter loser or (more specifically) someone who fails spectacularly at a simple action. A scrumper and can be amusingly described as "someone who aims low yet STILL fails."

In software development environments a scrumper is someone who, through careless and avoidable error, brings everyone else to a halt.

"We were deathmatching and Trevor kept blowing himself up with his own grenades... what a scrumper."

"Scrumper over there just tripped over his own two feet."

"That scrumper Ted deleted everything from source control."

See loser, fail, failure, software, error, ted, trevor


the flap of skin above between your top lip and your top row of teeth.

i got my scrumper pierced, i call him scrumpy

See scrumpy, piercings, flap, mouth, lip


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