What is Scuddy?
adj. The appearance and actions of a poor, inbred, usually white-trash person. Scuddy people live in trailers or backwoods shacks with no electricity or running water. Adults subsist on a diet of cigarettes, lite beer, and welfare cheese. Children subsist on a single meal per day: school lunch, with a particular affinity for tater tots. Because they tend not to have running water, scuddy people tend to smell horrible. This is a particularly popular term in Southern Ohio.
Once, in Junior High, I saw this scuddy kid dump Farley Wireman's tater-tots on the floor. He responded by beating him. Alas, Farley was so scuddy the blood remained on his sleeve for the remainder of the year. That was his only shirt.
See scud. The behaviour of a scud.
That was really scuddy when he kicked his head against the kerbstone like a football.